



感谢您对明尼苏达州立社区与技术学院的牙科辅助项目感兴趣. Before applying to 牙科辅助计划, 你必须完成大发彩票平台的一般录取程序和接受该计划所需的先决条件课程. To be considered for 牙科辅助计划 after you are admitted to M State, you must submit the completed 牙科协助 Application before 5月15日 of the year you wish to enroll in the program. Transcripts from any other colleges you have attended must be received before 五月 15.


  • Approximately 60 students apply to 牙科辅助计划 each year.
  • The top 30 applicants are accepted for fall term based on a point system. The next 10 highest-scoring applicants are placed on an alternate list. Should a student decline acceptance into the program, the position will be offered to the highest-ranking person on the alternate list.
  • Students not accepted into the program must reapply to be considered for a future year.
  • 牙科辅助学生所需的通识教育课程在M州立穆尔黑德校区提供,并可转移到四年制学院或大学.
  • 牙科辅助项目由牙科认证委员会认证,并被授予“无需报告要求批准”的认证地位。. 该委员会是美国教育部认可的专业认证机构. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at 312.440.4653, CODA |美国牙科认证委员会, 或伊利诺伊州芝加哥市东芝加哥大道211号. 60611. 
  • Graduates receive a diploma in 牙科协助 or an Associate of Applied Science degree, 取决于所选择的程序.
  • 在成功完成牙科助理全国委员会考试和明尼苏达州牙科助理和法学考试后, a graduate may apply for licensure by the Minnesota Board of Dentistry.


如果你对以预防疾病和帮助病人保持良好口腔健康为导向的健康事业感兴趣, 牙科助理也许是适合你的职业.

牙科助理是牙科健康团队的重要成员,享受一系列令人兴奋和具有挑战性的职责:准备器械托盘设置和治疗室, 在椅子旁协助牙科手术, 扩展功能, 患者口腔护理指导, 仪器再循环和灭菌, dental laboratory procedures and dental business office procedures. 扩展功能是一组特殊的程序,一个合格的明尼苏达牙科助理可以独立执行的病人,如抛光牙齿, 以射线照片, 使用牙科密封剂, 以印象, 系正畸金属丝, 制造临时修复物并给予氧化亚氮-吸氧镇静.

牙科辅助专业旨在为学生提供技术知识, 需要手工技能和临床经验,使毕业生成为牙科保健专业的宝贵成员. The program prepares the student to function in both general and specialty practices, 医院, public health facilities and product research centers. Dental assistants may also work in health education, product sales and marketing.

牙科协助 Program Plan - Diploma Option

牙科援助计划- AAS选项 


Students must meet the following eligibility criteria: 

2024年秋季牙科援助计划的申请将于2024年1月2日至5月15日开放. You must be accepted to M State to access the program application.
Developmental coursework and placement testing

放置测试: 没有完成ENGL 1101或MATH 0095的学生,以及最近没有ACT成绩的学生,需要在注册第一学期之前完成分班测试. 学生 need to complete placement testing should visit 位置测试 查看测试日期和地点.

发展课程: 所有发展性课程, if required by the placement testing results or 行为得分s, must be completed before starting dental assisting prerequisite courses.


  • l形的 0050 l形的的基础
  • l形的阅读
  • 英语900句英语900句写作
  • 好写作2 
  • 阅读 & 写作策略
  • English 0097快速英语策略
  • engl0098加速英语
  • 数学基础
  • 初等代数1
  • 初等代数2
重复的课程将被计算平均分. 拜访 重复课程前的指导老师.

The following courses need to be completed prior to the application deadline:

  • 人体解剖学与生理学[j]
  • 英语1101大学写作
  • DENT 1102牙科解剖学

BIOL 2261 is not a program requirement; however, if a student has taken it and completed it with an A or B, 他们将获得一个荣誉点.

Having completed the prerequisite courses does NOT guarantee acceptance into 牙科辅助计划.

Selection of candidates for the M State 牙科协助 program

牙科辅助计划的申请人将根据以下列出的课程分配分数,以确定哪些申请人将被接受. Applicants will also be awarded points for 行为得分 and cumulative GPA. 得分最高的30名申请者将被选入牙科辅助项目. 获得课程分数, applicants must have completed the courses and received a letter grade before 5月15日. We will average all grades (A-F) for each course. 只有在过去五年内修过的科学课程,才会被纳入评选范围.

你可以在所有的先决条件课程完成之前申请,但应该在春季学期注册. 你必须保持2.平均成绩5分或以上.

  • 人体解剖学与生理学
  • DENT 1102牙科解剖学
  • 英语1101大学写作 (or ENGL 1102, 1205, 1210 or 1215)*

*The highest of the grades is used if more than one ENGL course was taken.

In case of one or more tied scores, we will use the following tiebreaker criteria: 1. DENT 1102级. BIOL 2260级. 英语四级. 行为得分. In the event that a tie still exists, a public lottery will be the determinant.

请浏览 Fall 2024 牙科协助 Program Application Assessment form. 


每个在公布的截止日期前提交完整录取文件的学生将收到学院的电子邮件,表明他们是否被录取, 作为候补或目前没有资格参加该计划的候补被列入计划等待名单. Please be sure to provide your current email address on your program application. 

Applicants will be notified within 15 days of the application deadline. 30名学生将被接受,10名学生将被列入候补候补名单. 候补人员负责提供当前的电话号码和电子邮件地址,以便在夏季有空缺时通知他们.

Estimated program costs for the 2023-24 M State 牙科协助 program

请注意:所有费用都是估算. Estimates for room, board, transportation and personal expenses are not included.

牙科协助 Diploma program - 48 credits

牙科辅助AAS项目- 63学分

牙科协助 Diploma First Year/Prerequisites: 8 credits

活动费($3.70 /信贷)29美元.60
学生社团费(.35 /信贷)2美元.80



活动费($3.70 /信贷)70美元.30
学生社团费(.35 /信贷)6美元.65


牙科协助 Final Semesters: 21 credits 

活动费($3.70 /信贷)77美元.70
学生社团费(.35 /信贷)7美元.35

Minnesota Dental Assistant State Licensure Exam$70

Additional program requirements for accepted students

M State will provide more information related to the following. 然而, 牙科辅助计划的申请人被鼓励提前考虑这些要求. 

Dental program students must have a laptop computer. The cost will be in addition to the cost of tuition, fees and books. 计算机必须是基于windows的系统. M State students have access to Office 365 in the student portal. The required computer specifications can be found at 电脑的需求
被录取的学生必须持有美国心脏协会基本生命支持(BLS)的最新认证。. Current card must be uploaded to the online Student Passport System. Certification must include a hands-on, in-person testing component.

州法律要求学生在有执照的机构中与个人直接接触,完成明尼苏达州人类服务部的年度背景研究. 未通过背景调查的学生将不允许参加临床活动,因此不符合毕业资格. 牙科专业的学生还需要完成联邦犯罪背景调查. 背景研究将在春季课程介绍后开始,必须在7月1日之前完成, 2024. The fee will be assessed to DENT 1103, Intro to Dental Healthcare Providers I. 一旦背景研究开始, the student will be directed to a site for fingerprinting. 目前,指纹识别的成本是10美元.

The background study results must be uploaded to the Student Passport by July 1.

接受牙科辅助课程的学生需要填写学生护照系统上的信息. 这些信息必须在7月1日之前完成. Included are the instructions for a current record of a two-step Mantoux test or QuantiFERON tb Gold血液测试. 所有免疫接种必须是最新的. 强烈建议牙科专业的学生接种乙型肝炎疫苗. 健康职业课程的学生可能会接触到血液或其他潜在的传染性物质,因此可能有感染乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的风险。.
学生必须在课程要求的每门课程中达到C或以上的成绩才能继续学习. If a student receives less than a grade of C in any of the Dental program courses, they will be unable to complete sequential courses.
Clinical and Laboratory Health and Safety Provisions

M州和牙科助理计划遵守强制性和建议的健康和安全政策,以确保学生安全的学习和工作环境, 工作人员和病人. 进入牙科助理项目后, students will be provided with the M State Dental Program Student Faculty Handbook, which details all program policies related to infection control, hazards management and safety in the lab and clinical settings. 请参阅 M State Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Policy

If you experience any issues with the application, please call 877.450.3322或电邮 info@lawum.net.
