2024 Cancer Care Conference

Thank you for attending this year's Cancer Care Conference! 

We hope to see you back on May 16, 2025!


2024 Cancer Care Conference PowerPoint 

2024 Cancer Care Course Survey

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2024 Cancer Care Conference

9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 5月17日星期五
Oscar Bergos Conference Center
M State 学习 Campus

Designed for healthcare professionals, 今年的会议将提供积极主动的癌症筛查方法, 诊断 and 治疗 related to oral cancers, cervical and ovarian cancer 还有肺癌. 将提供有关社区癌症治疗结果和临终计划重要性的信息. 


护士, 社会工作者和牙科专业人员只需支付80美元的注册费和出勤证明,就可以获得4个就诊时间.



Objectives of the 2024 Cancer Care Conference

Upon completion of the conference, you will be able to:

  • 确定创新研究和教育计划,以改善患者和护理人员在癌症治疗过程中的体验和结果.
  • Review clinical practice updates in screening, 诊断 and 治疗 of HPV and oral cancers, cervical and ovarian cancers, 还有肺癌.
  • Apply proactive approaches to end-of-life planning and care.
  • Analyze community health needs related to proactive screening, 诊断 and 治疗 of HPV and oral cancers, cervical and ovarian cancers, 还有肺癌.
  • 检查医疗保健专业人员在癌症控制连续体的各个阶段支持他们的客户和患者的生活经验, including etiology, 预防, 早期检测, 诊断, 治疗, survivorship and end of life.
  • 更好地了解社区的癌症治疗结果.
  • 检查医疗保健提供者的缺点,在整个连续的癌症护理,因为它涉及到HPV和口腔癌, cervical and ovarian cancers, lung cancer and end-of-life planning.
  • Assess and emphasize the interfaces between providers, providers and patients, and healthcare organizations.
  • 增强客户和患者预防癌症的能力,并在此之前成为更积极的参与者, during and beyond cancer 治疗.


9:15-10:15 a.m.: It Can’t Be Me: The Reluctant Cancer Patient, Nancy Franke Wilson, MS, Executive Director, MN Oral Health Coalition

10:15-10:30 a.m.: 打破

10:30-11:30 a.m.: 子宫颈癌和卵巢癌:创伤知情和脂肪友好的筛查方法, 坦尼娅Baity, Certified Nurse Mid妻子 (CNM)

11:30-12:30 p.m.: 午餐 

12:30-1:30 p.m.: 基于社区的肺癌早期诊断和治疗的积极方法, Dr. Tracie Mallberg, MD, FAAFP, HMDC

1:30-1:45 p.m.: 打破

1:45-2:45 p.m.: Getting Your (And Your Client’s) Affairs in Order, 夏洛特约翰逊, LMSW



2024 Cancer Care Conference Speakers

Nancy Franke Wilson

Nancy Franke Wilson, MS 

南希·弗兰克·威尔逊是公共政策领域的独立顾问, 与政府和非营利组织沟通和组织发展超过20年.

She holds a Master of Science in Health Science & Public Administration, is a past President of the 明尼苏达州esota Public Health Association, has served on numerous boards, 包括明尼苏达州农村健康委员会和反对酒驾母亲协会, 并曾在普利茅斯市规划委员会任职, 明尼苏达州. 她是一名多产的公众演说家和培训师,曾担任美国政府的培训师/促进者.S. 在交通部交通安全研究所工作了几年.

她目前担任明尼苏达州口腔健康联盟(MOHC)的执行董事. The MOHC is a statewide, 非营利组织旨在支持明尼苏达州口腔健康计划并提高人们的意识, education and access for optimal oral health.

她结婚了,有两个女儿,是路易和查理曼的一个疯狂的哈巴狗妈妈. She has a variety of hobbies and interests, 包括瑜伽, anything related to health and plant-based eating, wine tasting and travel, 和elle est samgalement samudiante francaise(她也是一名法国学生).


坦尼娅Baity, Certified Nurse Mid妻子 (CNM)

As a Certified Nurse Mid妻子, 坦尼娅Baity (she/her) provides care during pregnancy, 分娩, and after delivery. 她还为病人做子宫颈抹片检查、节育、更年期和其他常见的妇科需求. She believes in an integrative approach to medicine, including appropriate complementary, 替代和自然保健治疗以及传统医学. 她对LGBTQIA医疗保健有着特殊的临床兴趣,并相信人们可以在各种尺寸的身体中保持健康.

她在圣何塞的伯特利大学获得了护理学学士学位. 保罗. 她说一口流利的西班牙语,曾在危地马拉的安提瓜花了一个学期学习医学西班牙语. 她获得了肯塔基州前沿护理大学的护理学硕士学位(MSN),是一名注册护士助产士. 

When she isn’t working, she enjoys spending time with her family and dog, 阅读, 旅行, 工艺品, and spending time in nature.  

Tracie Mallberg

Dr. Tracie Mallberg, MD, FAAFP, HMDC

Dr. 特蕾西·马尔伯格(Tracie Mallberg)是红河谷临终关怀医院和House call -Red River Healthcare的医疗总监, a home-based primary care program. 这两家医院都设在法戈,但都为北达科他州和明尼苏达州西北部的大部分地区提供护理. 她出生并成长在北达科他州的农村,她和她的丈夫, 史蒂夫·西尔维斯特, raised their eight children in Fargo.

她毕业于北达科他州大学医学院,并获得家庭医学委员会认证. She owned and operated an independent family practice clinic, LilyCare, in West Fargo for over five years, and in 2010 she was named Woman of the Year in Medicine. 当她的儿子在一场悲惨的事故中遭受了创伤性脑损伤, 她的事业发生了转变,允许她参与儿子的康复, in 2013, she joined the VA Medical Center’s Emergency Department. 

2017年,在父亲死于癌症后,她加入了红河谷临终关怀医院,她能看见东西了, 第一手, the value of hospice care at the end of life. In 2019, she was pivotal in the development of House Calls, the first home-based primary care program in North Dakota, now serving over 500 patients. 

作为女儿, 妻子, 妈妈。, teacher and physician, 她热衷于将人们的需求和愿望带到医疗保健的中心.


夏洛特约翰逊, LMSW

夏洛特·约翰逊是罗杰·马里斯癌症中心桑福德健康中心的高级肿瘤社会工作者,专门从事骨髓移植和头颈部癌症. She holds two master's degrees, in Social Work and Human Services, with a concentration in Health Care Administration. 

她曾在全国许多不同的州生活过,在姑息治疗/临终关怀方面拥有25年独特的经验背景, Alzheimer’s disease, refugee and immigration services, hospital case management, 并在北亚利桑那大学担任兼职讲师.

她是一名经过认证的死亡导乐,她热衷于确保个人和他们的家人能够轻松地谈论临终关怀和决定. 她是她所遇到的任何人的倡导者,并渴望产生影响. 闲暇时,她喜欢摄影、卡拉ok,最重要的是,惹恼她的丈夫.

Thank you to members of our planning committee:
  • 詹娜Stammen, Director of Health Training, Workforce Development Solutions, 明尼苏达州 Community and Technical College
  • 桑迪斯托克,注册护士,OCN,护理主管,内科肿瘤和输液中心,Essentia健康癌症中心 
  • 马特·弗洛里温度美国癌症协会癌症控制战略伙伴关系经理
  • 凯拉Kainz,红河谷临终关怀医院社区关系专家
  • Melissa Lizakowski, Oncology Educator, 桑福德健康


Thank you to our Event Sponsor:


Seagen's Oral Che妈妈。apy Program Flyer


Thank you to our event partners!

American Cancer Society
Hospice Red River Valley